Miten elämäsi on muuttunut?

Man and woman discussing about corona, medical experts diagnosing corona


YOUR INPUT will help us Map out

Jaa kysely

We are designing a ventilator, that can be assembled using off-the-shelf parts, in any part of the world.

Please note that the information you send below will be handled as public information, as this will allow us to develop solutions more effectively. Responses will be published as summaries, visualizations, and individual responses.

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How will the responses be processed?

The data in this survey will be processed anonymously.

The response data will be published without names in order to find solutions and enable possible future research.

We will use the material as follows.

1. We will analyze the collected data and, in accordance with the Biodesign concept* developed at Stanford University, identify the underlying need for each observation.

2. We will rank the identified needs according to urgency and feasibility. Priority will be given to problems that, if addressed, would have the greatest possible impact on slowing down and mitigating the effects of the epidemic.

3. Volunteer experts will search for solutions to the identified needs. If necessary, we will launch separate projects for the development of technical solutions.

4. Our aim is to implement any solutions as efficiently as possible.

We are designing a ventilator, that can be assembled using off-the-shelf parts, in any part of the world.

We want to minimize the damage caused by the epidemic and maximize potential benefits. Quick practical solutions are likely to be technically simple or take advantage of existing technology. Some solutions may need long-term development and, thus, will not help the ongoing corona crisis, but they may still be exploitable in future pandemics or seasonal epidemics.

The following is an example of the steps of our approach. 1. The observation is that someone sneezes at a store checkout counter. 2. The need behind the observation could be, for example, a way to prevent infection from the customer to the cashier in order to reduce the number of infections in grocery stores. 3. One of the experts proposes putting a plexiglass between the customer and the checkout. 4. An existing company or a new operator starts manufacturing and marketing plexiglass guards. (Note! The plexiglass solution has already been invented and implemented in many stores; in this project, we are looking for new findings and developing solutions based on them and on research data).

Findings may also relate to health-service phenomena, service-sector activities, risk behaviors, communications, working life, hobbies, or any other human activity that may be significant with regard to the coronavirus pandemic.

* Normally, in Biodesign a team of 3–4 interdisciplinary people makes their own observations in a hospital clinic for a month. Typically, in this so-called immersion period about 250 observations are recorded, of which the working group forms about 100 need statements. From these, the working group selects the most important ones and strives to develop a technical solution for one of them. The process takes almost a year and, if successful, produces a commercializable solution. However, Corona Biodesign is carried out very quickly. The people who provide the observations, those who analyze them and those who seek solutions and develop them are mainly different individuals. The aim in Corona Biodesign is to put the solutions into practice without delay. More information:

About us:

The survey is conducted by Aalto University and Corona Biodesign in partnership with Biodesign Finland.

Project Manager: +358 40 763 1918

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